About Us

The Plant Halo was created by two guys in Minnesota who loved plants, but hated traditional grow lights. Weather can be very unpredictable (especially in places like Minnesota) - with frequent rain, snow, and gloomy days, grow lights were a must for any plant lovers home. The only problem is... that traditional grow lights are ugly. The PlantHalo was created to bridge the gap between a functional grow light that keeps plants of varying light requirements happy, while also enhancing the beauty of each plant with an aesthetically pleasing halo. Every plant we bring into our homes has been blessed with the PlantHalo since 2020, and we are striving to bless each houseplant you have - no matter where it lives in your living space.

We are proud to have an unwavering commitment to loving the earth. Since our start, we have planted thousands of trees to combat deforestation. Each order we receive will count toward another tree planted. We plan to continue our efforts to serve the earth to make a difference with our business for years to come.

Thank you for your support! 


The PlantHalo Founders